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Drowningcircle.rom Section 2

The Thematic Galleries

Exhibition & projects  index






 -  TG Visual Index - Galleries 32 - __


 -  TG Visual Index - Galleries 31 - 25


 -  TG Visual Index - Galleries 24 - 17


 -  TG Visual Index - Galleries 16 -   9


 -  TG Visual Index - Galleries   8 -   1




 2OO6 - O4

Index & Gallery 32:

 Oxford CRL Commission 2OO6

Index & Gall. 31, 31A:

 Monoton - An Engagement 2OO5

Index & Gallery 30:

 Melbourne Festival pictures 2OO5

Gallery 29:

 Twelve Contradictions 2OO5

Gallery 28:

 Gallery W - 2OO4


 Liverpool Biennale 2OO4 at LMC


 Millennium MF Commission - UoD 2OO4

Gallery 27:

 PPP - Multifaith Commission & 7 Studies. - UoD O4

Galleries 26 & 26A:

 Olympia Regained 2OO4


 Tiepolo & RoE at University of Derby 2OO4


 2OO3 - O2


 Tiepolo & the Rape of Europa at L&A 2OO3

Gallery 25:

 The Tiepolo Studies 2OO3

Gallery 24:

 Leopoldine 2OO3

Gallery 23:

 The Midsummer Dances 2OO3


 Eight Crucifixions - Liverpool 2OO3

Gallery 22:

 Circulation - 2OO3

Gallery 21:

 Sacred Circles - 2OO2 


Gallery 20:

 The Liverpool Pictures - 2OO2


 The Liverpool Biennale - 2OO2

Gallery 19:

 Four Inversions - on 1992 Originals - 2OO2

Gallery 18:

 Triarcle Groups - sets  A & B - 2OO2


 2OO1 - 2OOO

Gallery 17:

 BBQ Berlin: ‘Cloud Circles’ – 2OO1


 BBQ Berlin Location


 Fly posting Berlin


 Berlin: ‘Cloud Circles’ - The Hanging


 Berlin: 'Cloud Circles’ - The Show and I

Gallery 16:

  Articles of Advertisement 2OO1

Gallery 15:

 Shine 2OO1

Gallery 14:

 Gilbert & George - 3 Double portraits - 2OO1

Gallery 13:

 The Twelve Madonnas - 2OO1

Gallery 12:

 Black Star Music - 2OOO


 This Elemental Art’ - The Photoset.

Gallery 11:

 ‘This Elemental Art’ - London 2OOO Solo Show

Gallery 10:

 Starsplicer 1 - 12 .  2OOO


 Starsplicer 1 - Lambeth room

Gallery 9:

 As Star Black - 2OOO


 ‘ArtAuction’ - York January 2OOO


 1999 - 84

Gallery 8:

 Eight Pieces - 1999

Gallery 7:

 'I Contemplate' - 1999

Gallery 6:

 Ten Pieces -1998

Gallery 5:

 Five Pieces - 1997

Gallery 4:

 White Black - 1992

Gallery 3:

 The Pyramics - 1991

Gallery 2:

 Seven Polygonic Dances Op.9 - 1990

Gallery 1:

 Seven Early Drawings Op.1 - 1984



-  TG Visual Index  - Galleries 32 - __


-  TG Visual Index  - Galleries 31 - 25


-  TG Visual Index - Galleries 24 - 17


-  TG Visual Index - Galleries 16 -   9


-  TG Visual Index - Galleries    8 -   1



Presentation 1:

The Presentation Gallery 1


The Me Gallery


The Manchester Gallery




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